Discipline is an action or inaction that is regulated to be in accordance with a particular system. Discipline is commonly applied to regulating human and animal behavior to its society or environment it belongs. Discipline is followed in every schools, companies, organization. Many people observe a form of disciplinary effort in their daily lives, it acts as an important role in anyone’s lives to enhance their credit and intellectual recognition among peers.

SELF DISCIPLINE is the means by which our self-control is gained and the way our hope is maintained. Self-discipline is the ability to control yourself and to make yourself work hard or behave in a particular way without needing anyone telling you what to do. Self-discipline is about creating new habit of thought, action and speech towards improving oneself

 It is a key to reaching your goals and creating a better life. You hear people say things like, “I don’t have the willpower to do this”, it’s as if they believe that some people were simply born with divine willpower while others were overlooked as self-discipline superpowers were being handed out, the truth is self-discipline is a learned skill not an innate characteristic.

The only way to improve your self-discipline is through intentional and dedicated practice. here we have six strategies to increase your self-discipline

  • Acknowledge Your Weakness

Too often people either try to pretend their weakness don’t exist or they try to minimize the negative impact their bad habit have on their lives. The truth is we all have our weaknesses, if you are consciously aware of your weakness, you’ve already taken the first major step in addressing them and ensure your weakness don’t hold you back from reaching your goal.

  • Establish A Clear Plan 

No one wakes up one day suddenly blessed with self-discipline, instead you need a strategy whether you want to increase your good habits or you want to eliminate your bad habits. You’ll need to develop a plan to outline the action and steps that will help you reach your goals.

  • Remove Temptation When Necessary

Although we’d all like to believe we have enough willpower to resist even the most alluring enticement, it takes only one moment of weakness to convince ourself to cave to temptation, making it difficult to access those temptation can be a central key to increasing self-discipline. if your weakness is Facebook, turn off your internet while you are working, if you can’t resist overspending whenever you go to the mall, leave your credit card at home only take a small amount of cash, by doing so you’ll remove any form of temptation that might hinder you from achieving self-discipline.

  • Visualize the Long-Term Reward

You’ll be less likely to cave to temptation when you focus on the long-term gain. Visualize yourself meeting your goals and reaping the reward that you will gain by practicing self-discipline on a daily basis.

  • Recover from Mistakes Effectively

Making mistakes is part of the process to becoming better, the way you recover from those mistakes is what’s most important. The key is to acknowledge your mistakes and move on from them with even more resolve to do better next time.

  • Practice Tolerating Emotional Discomfort

Practice allowing yourself to experience uncomfortable emotions like boredom, frustration, sadness or loneliness and increase your tolerance to the negative emotions that you may experience as you increase your self-discipline. For you to increase your level of tolerance we must have emotional intelligence, this is the ability to process emotional information use it in reasoning and other cognitive activities.


On the other hand, lack of self-discipline leads to failure, loss, destroying of relationships, health problems and therefore to unhappiness. Here are few examples: you might not be able to resist eating a cone of ice cream when you are trying to loss weight, sometimes you might react in anger or act impulsive and therefore hurt the people you love. If you lack this skill, you will not be able to go on with your plans or carry out your decisions.

Being self-discipline would help you do the following:

  • Avoid acting rashly and on impulse
  • Make wise and healthy choices
  • Overcome laziness and procrastination
  • Carry out the promises and decision you make to yourself and to others
  • You’ll have the inner strength to overcome bad habits
  • Stay focused while working, reading and studying

It’s not surprising that those who lack self-discipline are somewhat envious of those who seem to be able to make use of impressive self-control. Afterall self-discipline is the key to reaching your goals and creating a better life, the good news is we all have the ability to be self-discipline -we just have to practice.

Rebecca Adegbola

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